Sucuri: Your Website Security
You wouldn’t let a dangerous stranger into your home. Without proper website security, you’re inviting hackers to invade your digital home with open arms. You’ve worked hard on promoting your business through a professional website: follow through and protect it with Sucuri.
In every aspect of life you hear reminders about safety: “wear your helmet,” “buckle your seatbelt,” and “look both ways before crossing the road,” but what about reminders regarding the safety of your website? Here at JJ Web Services, we work hard to remind our clients of the importance of keeping their website secure. More than that, we dig deep to find the best website security companies to confidently promote to our clients. In our hunt for the best security companies, we’ve come across just one that we believe rises to the occasion: Sucuri Website Security.
Sucuri, like us, works with their clients to find the best way to keep their websites safe and free from attacks from both malware and non-malware. The idea is to get setup with proper website security before a security incident occurs, but we know this is not always the case. For this reason Sucuri has a set of appropriate and potent measures to get your website back to the way it was and the way you want it.
Whether your website is currently under attack or you want to protect your website from future attacks, we highly suggest Sucuri for all of your website security. Sucuri offers a variety of security services ranging from protective firewalls to scanning for attacks to removal and cleanup. You worked hard creating your business and website: let Sucuri work hard at keeping them safe. There’s also 24/7 support so you can be sure to have peace of mind regardless of the time of day.
Because we care about our clients and because we are so confident in the services offered through Sucuri, we’re offering special pricing to those interested in Sucuri Website Security. The services offered are a $200 value, but here at JJ Web Services, you will get the same services for less than half the price. Contact us today to learn more and get your website secured.